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See the difference and improve your production process with the right light! Because good light promotes more efficient work and better product quality. Let us work together to ensure more productivity, better quality, lower error rates and more occupational safety in your production. We support you with the best lighting quality for every individual requirement and professional advice on site.

best light

maximum expert knowledge

individual optimisation


Increase productivity by 40%

  • Light influences our performance

  • An intelligent lighting concept can adapt to the needs and potentials of your employees

  • Our lighting solutions take into account activities and materials used

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  • Only with adequate lighting can the eye process all information optimally - this has a positive effect on productivity.

  • The more difficult the visual task, the more performance increases can be achieved through better lighting.

  • An increase in productivity in the double-digit percentage range is easily possible.

  • Individual lighting needs are often higher than the 500 lux that is still frequently planned (e.g. for people who wear glasses and older employees).

  • Individually adjustable light makes people more productive. Every employee and every workplace has different lighting needs. Therefore, the lighting should be individually adjustable.

  • A lighting solution from Waldmann can be optimally adapted to individual needs, e.g. to enable employees to concentrate more at certain times or to design light according to the needs of employees.

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Reduce error rate by 50%

  • Quality assurance with light: those who see more make fewer mistakes

  • The right lighting reduces error rates like no other measur

  • Fewer errors mean fewer reject

  • Reacting early to errors is fundamental for stable lean processes that result in high-quality products

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    • Light serves your production optimisation

    • Light reduces error and reject rates and contributes to resource-saving production.

    • Light counteracts fatigue, quality increases: light makes for alert, concentrated employees. It makes them alert, suppresses melatonin production (sleep hormone). "Good mood hormones" such as serotonin are released in greater quantities. This is an important finding for error-free production in shift work or to avoid fluctuations in quality (night shift).

    • A night worker needs more light than a colleague on the early shift; at certain times of the day/night there are significantly more errors.

    • Light has a positive effect on the quality of work in production. If you want to achieve zero-error quality, you should use the best light.

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    Reducing sick days

    • Light promotes health when it can be individually adjusted for employees

    • We show you how to make your working environment more ergonomic with light and promote the health of your employees.

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    • Good light counteracts signs of ageing: The need for light increases with age. The eye media lose their permeability; the average pupil width at the same illuminance decreases. A 60-year-old employee needs twice as much light as a 20-year-old colleague. Young employees over 35 also need more light than their 20-year-old colleagues. The number of older employees in companies will continue to rise over the next few years. A lighting concept should take this into account

    • Light should avoid glare and reflections. Glare harms employees because it has a negative impact on health and work performance. People's sensitivity to glare increases with age.

    • Direct glare from incorrectly positioned light sources should be avoided.

    • Reflected glare on high-gloss surfaces should be excluded, because these are particularly unpleasant for perception.

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    Save up to 50 % energy

    • Light saves energy if it is not used over entire areas

    • Especially with efficient LED luminaires with stored schedules

    • We show how energy can be saved and costs reduced despite selectively increased illuminance levels

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    Increase safety at the workplace

    • Good light increases concentration

    • People who can see more are less likely to be injured

    • The higher the lighting level, the lower the injury figures

    • Good colour recognition, avoidance of glare or stroboscopic effects contribute to greater safety

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    • Two thirds of all accidents occur at workplaces with an illuminance of less than 500 lx. A lighting concept with optimised lux levels can significantly reduce the number of accidents.

    • Light curbs the number and extent of injuries. Most "slips" and mistakes occur when lighting is inadequate.

    • It is precisely at low lux levels that the most serious injuries occur. As lighting levels rise, the number of injuries, especially serious ones, decreases. Quality features such as colour recognition and avoidance of glare or stroboscopic effects also play a role. So if illuminance is increased, the risk of injury is reduced.

    • Light makes for alert, concentrated employees.

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    You can only do this with Waldmann luminaires:



    Do you want all the luminaires at your workplaces to be set to a uniform standard in order to provide optimum support for quality processes? Do you want to set the optimum light at each workstation to match the room lighting? We can help you and support your quality assurance!

    For precise testing, even of painted or reflective surfaces, we create a luminaire unit with swarm intelligence and colour changes for you.

    And always the colour rendering remains excellent with Ra>90. For best visibility, highest concentration and healthy eyes.

    » To our product solution



    Create luminaire groups for your assembly lines, store individual schedules and lighting scenes perfectly adapted to the activities

    The luminaires of a production line can be grouped together by the administrator via the app and lighting scenes can be defined. All workstations of a line can thus be individually controlled separately from other lines.

    Switch off the lighting automatically when not in use using stored time schedules and save energy. An improvement step for your quality management: Switch to the individually coordinated light scene when changing the product being processed.


    ADAPTED light colour TO activity and time of day

    Different light colours reflect surfaces and colours quite differently. Our contrast vision differs depending on the spectrum. It's good when the luminaire ensures that conditions are always perfectly matched to the visual task and that processes are optimally supported. In this way, normative specifications and recommendations or internal test specifications are easily fulfilled.

    Adapt the light colour to the time of day: Light controls our biorhythm. During the day, light with sufficient intensity and a cool white spectral component promotes alertness, activity and performance. The best prerequisites for increasing productivity! In the evening, cold white light can negatively influence the circadian rhythm. We adjust a health-promoting colour gradient between warm white and cool white light to suit the time of day.

    » Biodynamic Lighting

    WE CARE!

    Together we will find the optimal lighting solution for your requirements.

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    Individual planning

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    cta std
    Helene Klausmann
    Lighting expert industrial workplace


    Do you want to make your production more efficient with optimal lighting conditions?

    Our lighting experts will show you how. Get non-binding advice now online or on site.

    The best lighting conditions are a prerequisite for the best quality in a wide range of industries. Employees can see the difference at these workstations!

    SEE THE DIFFERENCE @ Chronoswiss AG