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Waldmann has been developing some of the best lighting systems in the world in Villingen-Schwenningen for almost 100 years. But Waldmann light is not an end in itself. It serves. To create. To create. To expand horizons. To wake up. To control hormones. Maximum quality and optimum user-friendliness are a matter of course. They ensure that people can do what they want to do. And thanks to state-of-the-art German technology, as well as possible. Only then are the Engineers of Light from the Black Forest satisfied.

Our Mission


Family business

We have been a family business since 1928 and are currently in the fourth generation. We want to remain so for generations to come. That means for us:

  • We think in terms of generations, not quarters.
  • We plan for the long term and continuously invest in the company.

Our current management team: Christoph Waldmann, Daniel Hug, Ronny Lindskog, Jan-Steffen Hainz and Fabian Jahn.

Group of companies

Through our subsidiaries and dealerships, Waldmann is a reliable guarantor of quality, the best light and a high level of commitment all over the world. We stand for Made in Germany.

Thanks to our start-up LIZ Smart Office GmbH in Berlin, we add intelligent software to our smart hardware; a combination with great potential for the future. Behind the name LIZ lies our tradition: LIZ is reminiscent of Liselotte Waldmann, the wife of Herbert Waldmann, who gave his name to our GmbH at our headquarters in Villingen Schwenningen.

Familienunternehmen vierte Generation
Tradition meets innovation

We see the key to the future in the combination of light with information, i.e. confidence-building hardware and premium software.

In addition to the digitalization of our business models, it is also about the digitalization of the company. Our goals include optimizing internal processes, improving working conditions and implementing real-time monitoring so that we can act quickly if necessary.

This is crucial for us in order to meet the requirements of the global market.

Responsibility towards people and nature

"I feel responsible for the materials we put into circulation. It motivates us in the company and me personally to protect the environment and use our resources responsibly."
Christoph Waldmann

We are therefore committed to producing locally - in the Black Forest, in Shanghai and in Illinois. Made local for local. Short supply chains with close partnerships and a high level of manufacturing expertise characterize us and help us to do things differently. We want to offer our customers "light forever" and therefore not only have very long warranty periods and the willingness to repair products that are over 30 years old. We also want to live the circular economy holistically.

The focus is on people

We take a human-centered approach in everything we do. Our light and our solutions are not an end in themselves: Waldmann Licht is healthy light that supports people at work. Just like the software.

People-centered also means taking responsibility for the region and the people who live in it. This also includes being a safe employer for our employees. This has become more difficult in recent years due to the general conditions and dynamic global developments, but it is possible! Our chosen guidelines for this are digitalization (connectivity), sustainability and well-being.


OUR Code of Conduct

We take consideration and are fair:


We respect society and the environment:


We adhere openly and honestly to rules:


We make everything better: