Light Planning

Waldmann light planners work with RELUX light planning software. This software allows polygonal room forms and vaulted roofs as well as complex room elements and corresponding furnishing to be generated precisely. To verify whether the lighting conforms to international standards, visualisations (3D, Isolux drawing, graded colour depiction) and numerous reports are generated.

The simulations and analyses produced with Relux complement the real measurements established in the unique Waldmann light studio.

You need an individual light planning?

Take advantage of our free design assistance and get a customized lighting design that exactly fulfills your wishes and needs. Please feel free to contact us!


Herbert Waldmann GmbH & Co. KG
Peter-Henlein-Strasse 5
D-78056 Villingen-Schwenningen


» Checklist light planning (pdf)



1. Visual representations that have been created as part of a lighting design are meant to provide an initial overview of the lighting effect. Differences between the visual representation of a planned project and the visual impression of an actual lighting system are always possible. For that reason, we do not accept responsibility for deviations between the reality and the visual representations created during the planning stage.

2. All values are based on exact calculations using data from actually measured light bulbs and luminaires and their arrangement. In practical applications in the field, slight variations can occur. Warranty and indemnity claims regarding luminaire data or failures of this program are excluded. Waldmann - Engineers of Light - is not liable for any damage incurred by the user/operator or any third party. In each and every case, our liability shall be limited to foreseeable damage.