Nature and environment

natur und umwelt blumenwiese
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Environmental protection and nature conservation are essential for us. We are aware that our actions and products can also have a negative impact on the environment. It is therefore all the more important for us to keep this impact as low as possible and to actively contribute to the mitigation of climate change.

For us, this has included a practised and certified environmental management since 2012. High energy efficiency, limited emissions and responsible use of natural resources play a fundamental role in our product development as well as in our production and business activities.

Since 2023, we have been using exclusively green electricity for the production of our luminaires at our main production site in Schwenningen. At the same time, our goal is to steadily increase the proportion of electricity generated at the site. We currently produce electricity via our company's own photovoltaic system and by operating our combined heat and power plants according to the combined heat and power (CHP) principle.

The development of sustainable products is an integral part of our work. Here, the topics of circular economy, energy efficiency and durability play a particularly important role. We are particularly proud of the Cradle to Cradle® certification of our LAVIGO free standing luminaire (light) as the world's first office luminaire ever. For more information on our Cradle to Cradle® certified luminaires and our sustainable product development, click here.

Use renewable energies. Recycling energy from emissions. And produce no more waste. Sounds Swabian? It is.

But this is how every modern, sustainable, eco-effective company should think, work and manufacture. We, at least, are doing our best in the Black Forest.


We strive to reduce our energy consumption and increase the use of renewable energy to reduce our carbon footprint.

By systematically monitoring and evaluating our energy consumption and CO2 footprint, we set ourselves quantitative targets for reducing energy requirements and greenhouse gas emissions, which are regularly reviewed and updated.In addition to continuous energy efficiency measures, the expansion of our own electricity supply and energy self-sufficiency at the site are of fundamental importance to us. Energy from renewable sources is a must for us. We already only use green electricity for the manufacture of our lights at our main production site in Schwenningen. In addition, we currently produce our own electricity via our company-owned photovoltaic system and the operation of our combined heat and power (CHP) plants.

We are aware that, as an industrial manufacturing company, we cannot completely prevent the generation of climate-damaging emissions. However, our aim is to reduce our ecological footprint to the best possible and necessary minimum by 2045. In the first step, we focus on the emissions that we can directly influence at our site through our own processes (Scope 1 and 2) and then extend these to upstream and downstream processes in the second step (Scope 3).

Climate footprint 2022

FIRST CLIMATE calculation




Heat generation (natural gas), refrigerants, process emissions, fuel Vehicle fleet
Waste, water consumption, paper, business travel, employee commuting, energy supply chain

t CO2e

1.065,9 (46,4%)
369,4 (16,1%)
863,7 (37,5%)


The climate footprint was prepared by First Climate Market AG in spring 2023 and refers to the 2022 financial year of Herbert Waldmann GmbH & Co. KG.
*In addition, all Scope 3 emissions were considered that are not generated by us at our locations, but which we can influence through our activities.